- Protect your home against damage from fire, allied perils, theft or attempted theft
- Third party liability cover
- Compensation for injury or death of insured and your domestic servants or children or both on your property
- Cover for costs of temporary alternative accommodation
Protect your biggest asset against damage from fire, theft, or allied perils
Our home insurance is designed for middle to upper income earners who are looking for more coverage than our standard fire insurance and allied perils packages offer. We will insure your home in Ghana against damage as a result of fire, allied perils, theft or attempted theft. We will also cover:
- Third party liability cover for injury to persons who are on your premises or damage to third party property on your premises
- Damage caused by escape of water or oil from fixed water or heating installations or domestic appliances
- Your outbuildings, swimming pools, fences, plumbing and other parts of your home.
- Compensation for injury or death of indoor servants or and children under our Personal Accident section
- The cost of alternative accommodation while your building is uninhabitable after an insured event has occurred