Ruth Naa Akushia Anson

Ruth Anson is a professional marketer with over twenty-six years post qualification experience in Marketing. She is the Current General Manager of Mandilas Ghana Limited, a leading Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Company with presence in Ghana and Nigeria. Ruth reports directly to the Board as well as the Group Chief Executive Officer. She drives the Business Unit in line with the strategic direction of the board and is accountable and responsible for planning, direction, compliance, business development and administration of all aspects of the Business. She continuously works with key industry players and relevant government functionaries to create a positive identification with the company’s brand.

 She was until 1st July 2021, the Chief Executive Officer of Credit Mall Limited, a hire-purchase company which extends consumer credit to Teachers on the Government payroll and other organized work groups. Credit Mall Limited is a subsidiary of Teachers’ Fund of Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT). The Company has sold products ranging from fridges, freezers, cookers, motor bikes, laptops and several others to over 250,000 teachers nationwide. Ruth has garnered working experience in Credit Management, Human Resource Management, Fraud Control and Cost Minimization.

 As the CEO, Ruth Anson reported to the Board periodically on the Company’s performance. She also held regular stakeholders meetings with Teachers who form a large core of the Company’s business. Ruth was instrumental in almost doubling sales upon taking over after only one year. She led the team to craft the Companys’ business plan which is currently being used as a guidance tool for the Company’s operations. Under her leadership she was responsible for computerizing the company’s operations in order to add value to  Customer Service thus enabling the Company perform more efficiently and professionally.

 Prior to working with Credit Mall Limited, Ruth Anson has worked in the Insurance Industry for over six years as a Marketer. She started her Insurance career as Marketing Manager with Unique Insurance Company where she was responsible for setting up the Marketing Department and ensuring that all the divisions within the Department were delivering what was expected. The divisions namely, Public Relations and Customer Service, Broker Relations, Corporate Institutions, Agency, Walk-in-clients, Renewals and Union Relations were adequately evaluated annually with periodic gap analysis performed. By dint of hard work, Ruth was promoted to Senior Marketing Manager in 2005 a position she held until she resigned in 2008. Under her leadership, Unique Insurance Company received numerous awards based on performance namely Ghana Club 100 by Ghana Investment Promotion Council, Most Respected Company Award by Pricewaterhouse Coopers and Customer Service by Ashanti Financial Awards to mention a few.

Ruth was part of the team which increased premium income phenomenally when she took over as Marketing Manager in 2002, a situation which improved consecutively over the years.

Ruth gained enough management as well as executive experience by performing several tasks in addition to her Marketing role including preparing for all board meetings, writing board minutes, writing all Management minutes, acting as Chairman and Vice Chairman in various committees set up by Management as well as the Board. She also acted as the Managing Director on numerous occasions until the engagement of the General Manager. She led the team that successfully separated the Company’s Life Company, Unique Life Assurance Company and its General Insurance Company.

 A results-oriented executive with a pleasant disposition, Ruth Anson is an aggressive marketer who is well known for breaking new grounds while maintaining her existing customers. She can work under minimal supervision and has strong interpersonal skills.  She is an avid trainer and has added value to all the staff who worked closely with her in all places of work.

In addition to the HVAC, Insurance and High Purchase Industry, Ruth has worked in the Printing industry particularly security printing and together with her team was responsible for the winning of the bid to print the parliamentary ballot papers for the December 2000 elections.

 Ruth’s career objective is to hold a key executive position in a Marketing, Agricultural or Commercial entity utilizing her skills in General Management and Business Development to make an indelible mark with a leading edge organization which has a conducive working environment with a clear mission to clients, shareholders, employees and the public at large.

 Ruth holds a Masters in Business Administration degree from the University of Stirling, Scotland (Oct. 1996-Sept. 1997) having priorly obtained a BSc. (Hons) degree in Agricultural Science (Crop Science Option) from the University of Science and Technology in 1994.

 She loves interior decorating, event planning, landscaping and marketing.